Go Ahead. Have a Listen.

May 6, 2008 at 7:52 pm | Posted in music | Leave a comment
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So just when I thought BRAVO Was a useless channel, I discovered they have a program called Bravo Videos. There I heard a song called “Mercy” by Duffy which was great! So I imediately downloaded it and another of her singles “Rockferry”. This stuff is very um…bluesy/jazzy/poppy/vintage sounding! I love it. I also caught the song “Chasing Pavement” by Adele. She is also bluesy and poppy all at once, and apparently has been compared to Amy Winehouse…Adele is more clean cut. I bought the whole album and there are some pretty solid sounding tracks.

So go on. Listen. You’ll like Duffy and Adele.

Bring Me Your Love…

February 12, 2008 at 4:29 pm | Posted in music | Leave a comment
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Brilliant. That’s the word I’ve come up with to describe City and Colour’s latest album “Bring Me Your Love”. I’m not even sure if “brilliant” will do. City and Colour (aka Dallas Green of Alexisonfire), has created an album that manages to be pure and gritty all at the same time. Bring Me Your Love artfully showcases Green’s talent as a musician and writer, as well as highlighting his growth as an artist.

It is hard to imagine that such a sweet sounding voice can come from a man who is more Lumber Jack Chic than Crooner. Seriously folks, Green has been sporting red plaid and a beard for quite some time. Now, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with that, because let’s be honest here, Dallas is quite fetching in his plaid. On that note, he’s got a voice. And it’s wonderful. ‘Nuff said. Oh and he’s also got skills for writing songs that reach out to the masses and seep inside their heads. He’s also got the skills for playing the guitar and piano. Basically, he’s a ball of talent, wrapped up in plaid.

On this album, Dallas is joined by members of Attack in Black (another amazing Canadian band, so go check them out. I’ll wait.) and it’s a nice fit. They’ve influenced Dallas, in a good way. In a Folk-y way. Which is nice. Also, there’s a lovely duet with Gord Downie of The Tragically Hip,(You have to know who they are.) on the track “Sleeping Sickness”, which is a track that was on Green’s Simple Songs EP, I believe. Now this new “Sleeping Sickness“, has had it’s lyrics tweaked, but for the better. The song now has more substance and heart. And Downie. I dig the instrumentation on this album. His previous album, “Sometimes” didn’t feature much more than a guitar, which was good, but I like the way this album mixes it up with different sounds.

It’s hard to pick a favourite track, or two or 12. But as of right now, “The Death of Me” & “Against The Grain” are reaching out to me and making me listen. One thing about City and Colour is that no matter how much the songs can be played on the radio (“Save Your Scissors“…yeah that had quite the radio play.) I don’t get tired of hearing the songs. I can listen to them over and over and still find something new in them. It’s the same with Alexisonfire. So good on ya for being able to accomplish that feat.

This album feels like Dallas is letting fans have a peak inside his head. It’s a little haunting, but there’s happiness hidden in there. You just have to listen for it.

So what are you waiting for? Go buy it. Listen to it. And love it.

Buy Me, Please!

City and Colour


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